Punjabi Fruits Names In english and Punjabi

Today, we are embarking on a colourful journey to discover the names of fruits in not just one but three amazing languages! Imagine knowing how to say “apple” in Punjabi, English, and Hindi – that’s like having a secret code to understand fruits wherever you go! In this exciting blog ...

Yash Pandya

Table of Contents

    Today, we are embarking on a colourful journey to discover the names of fruits in not just one but three amazing languages! Imagine knowing how to say “apple” in Punjabi, English, and Hindi – that’s like having a secret code to understand fruits wherever you go!

    In this exciting blog post, we will unlock the magic of words and learn the names of some yummy fruits in Punjabi, the language spoken in the vibrant state of Punjab. We’ll also learn how to say them in English and Hindi, two widely spoken languages across India. So, if you’re curious about fruits and languages, this is the perfect place to be!

    We’ll repeat the keyword “fruit name in Punjabi” often because that’s what we’re here to explore. Are you ready to dive into the fruity world of words? Let’s get started! 

    40+ fruit names in English and Punjabi 

    Serial NumberEnglish NamePunjabi Name
    1Appleਸੇਬ (Seb)
    2Bananaਕੇਲਾ (Kela)
    3Orangeਸੰਤਰਾ (Santra)
    4Mangoਆਮ (Aam)
    5Grapesਅੰਗੂਰ (Angoor)
    6Papayaਪਪੀਤਾ (Papita)
    7Watermelonਤਰਬੂਜ਼ (Tarbooz)
    8Pineappleਅਨਾਨਾਸ (Ananas)
    9Pomegranateਅਨਾਰ (Anar)
    10Guavaਅਮਰੂਦ (Amrood)
    11Strawberryਸਟਰਾਬੇਰੀ (Strawberry)
    12Kiwiਕੀਵੀ (Kiwi)
    13Coconutਨਾਰੀਅਲ (Nariyal)
    14Apricotਖੜਮਾਨੀ (Kharmani)
    15Plumਆਲੂ ਬ੖ਖਰਾ (Aloo Bukhara)
    16Lemonਨੰਬੂ (Nambu)
    17Peachਆਡੂ (Aadu)
    18Cherryਚੈਰੀ (Cherry)
    19Blueberryਬਲੂਬੇਰੀ (Blueberry)
    20Raspberryਰਾਸਬੇਰੀ (Raspberry)
    21Blackberryਬਲੈਕਬੇਰੀ (Blackberry)
    22Cranberryਕ੍ਰੈਨਬੇਰੀ (Cranberry)
    23Avocadoਅਵੋਕੇਡੋ (Avocado)
    24Lycheeਲੀਚੀ (Lychee)
    25Dragon Fruitਡ੍ਰੈਗਨ ਫਰੂਟ (Dragon Fruit)
    26Jackfruitਕਟਫਲ (Kathal)
    27Custard Appleਸ਼ਰੀਫਾ (Shareefa)
    28Passion Fruitਪੈਸ਼ਨ ਫਰੂਟ (Passion Fruit)
    29Kiwifruitਕੀਵੀਫ੍ਰੂਟ (Kiwifruit)
    30Dateਖਜੂਰ (Khajoor)
    31Figਅਂਜੀਰ (Anjeer)
    32Sapotaਚੀਕੂ (Chiku)
    33Gooseberryਅਮਲਾ (Amla)
    34Tamarindਇੰਬਲੀ (Imli)
    35Plum Tomatoਟਮਾਟਰ (Tamatar)
    36Blackcurrantਕਾਲੀ ਮਾਨਖ਼ (Kaali Maankh)
    37Mulberryਸ਼ਹਤੂਤ (Shahtoot)
    38Elderberryਐਲਡਰਬੇਰੀ (Elderberry)
    40Kiwanoਕੀਵਾਨੋ (Kiwano)
    41Ackeeਐਕੀ (Ackee)
    42Longanਲੋਂਗਨ (Longan)
    43Durianਦੂਰੀਅਨ (Durian)
    44Rambutanਰੈਂਬੂਟਨ (Rambutan)

    Exploring the Culinary Delights of Punjabi Cuisine

    Here are explanations of 20 fruits in Punjabi:

    • ਸੇਬ (Seb) – Apple: ਸੇਬ (Seb) is a popular fruit known for its sweet and crisp taste. It comes in various colours and varieties, including red, green, and yellow. Apples are often eaten fresh, used in pies, or made into juice.
    • ਕੇਲਾ (Kela) – Banana: ਕੇਲਾ (Kela) is a tropical fruit that is rich in potassium. It is usually yellow when ripe and can be eaten as a quick and healthy snack.
    • ਸੰਤਰਾ (Santra) – Orange: ਸੰਤਰਾ (Santra) is a citrus fruit known for its refreshing, tangy flavour. It’s commonly consumed as fresh juice or eaten in segments.
    • ਆਮ (Aam) – Mango: ਆਮ (Aam) is often referred to as the “King of Fruits” due to its deliciously sweet taste. It is enjoyed fresh, in smoothies, or as a key ingredient in various dishes.
    • ਅੰਗੂਰ (Angoor) – Grapes: ਅੰਗੂਰ (Angoor) are small, round, and typically purple or green. They are commonly eaten fresh or used to make wine and raisins.
    • ਪਪੀਤਾ (Papita) – Papaya: ਪਪੀਤਾ (Papita) is a tropical fruit known for its orange flesh and sweet taste. It’s often eaten fresh or used in fruit salads.
    • ਤਰਬੂਜ਼ (Tarbooz) – Watermelon: ਤਰਬੂਜ਼ (Tarbooz) is a juicy and hydrating fruit with a bright red or pink interior. It’s perfect for hot summer days.
    • ਅਨਾਨਾਸ (Ananas) – Pineapple: ਅਨਾਨਾਸ (Ananas) has a tropical, sweet, and slightly tangy flavour. It’s used in both desserts and savoury dishes.
    • ਅਨਾਰ (Anar) – Pomegranate: ਅਨਾਰ (Anar) is a unique fruit with juicy, ruby-red seeds. It’s known for its health benefits and is often eaten as a snack or added to salads.
    • ਅਮਰੂਦ (Amrood) – Guava: ਅਮਰੂਦ (Amrood) is a tropical fruit with a sweet and slightly tangy taste. It’s typically eaten fresh and can also be used to make jams and jellies.
    • ਸਟਰਾਬੇਰੀ (Strawberry) – Strawberry: ਸਟਰਾਬੇਰੀ (Strawberry) is a red, juicy fruit with a sweet and slightly tart flavour. It’s commonly used in desserts, jams, and beverages.
    • ਕੀਵੀ (Kiwi) – Kiwi: ਕੀਵੀ (Kiwi) is a small, green fruit with a tangy and refreshing taste. It’s often eaten fresh, and its skin is edible as well.
    • ਨਾਰੀਅਲ (Nariyal) – Coconut: ਨਾਰੀਅਲ (Nariyal) is a tropical fruit known for its white flesh and sweet coconut water. It’s used in various culinary applications, including curries and desserts.
    • ਖੜਮਾਨੀ (Kharmani) – Apricot: ਖੜਮਾਨੀ (Kharmani) is a small, orange fruit with a sweet and slightly tart flavour. It’s commonly eaten fresh or dried as apricots.
    • ਆਲੂ ਬ੖ਖਰਾ (Aloo Bukhara) – Plum: ਆਲੂ ਬ੖ਖਰਾ (Aloo Bukhara) is a sweet and juicy fruit with a smooth skin. It’s often used to make jams and chutneys.
    • ਨੰਬੂ (Nambu) – Lemon: ਨੰਬੂ (Nambu) is a citrus fruit known for its sour taste. It adds flavour to dishes and beverages, and the zest is often used for its aromatic oils.
    • ਆਡੂ (Aadu) – Peach: ਆਡੂ (Aadu) is a soft, fuzzy fruit with sweet and juicy flesh. It’s often eaten fresh or used in desserts like pies and cobblers.
    • ਚੈਰੀ (Cherry) – Cherry: ਚੈਰੀ (Cherry) is a small, round fruit with a sweet and tart flavour. It’s commonly used in baking and as a topping for desserts.
    • ਬਲੂਬੇਰੀ (Blueberry) – Blueberry: ਬਲੂਬੇਰੀ (Blueberry) is a small, blue or purple fruit known for its sweet and tangy taste. It’s often used in muffins, pancakes, and smoothies.
    • ਰਾਸਬੇਰੀ (Raspberry) – Raspberry: ਰਾਸਬੇਰੀ (Raspberry) is a red or black berry with a sweet and slightly tart flavour. It’s used in various desserts, jams, and sauces.

    Exploring the Vibrant Culture and Traditions of Punjab

    • Kinnow: Kinnow is a popular citrus fruit in Punjab known for its sweet and tangy flavour. It is often consumed fresh or as fresh juice.
    • Mango (Aam): Punjab produces a significant quantity of mangoes, particularly varieties like “Chaunsa” and “Dussehri.” These mangoes are celebrated for their exceptional sweetness and flavour.
    • Guava (Amrood): Guava is widely cultivated in Punjab and enjoyed for its sweet and aromatic taste. It is used in salads, snacks, and desserts.
    • Pomegranate (Anar): Pomegranates are known for their juicy seeds, which are eaten fresh or used to make refreshing juices.
    • Pear (Nashpati): Nashpati is a variety of Punjab pears. It has a crisp texture and is often eaten fresh.
    • Ber (Indian Jujube): Ber is a small, sweet fruit commonly found in Punjab. It is used to make sweets, jams, and chutneys.
    • Phalsa: Phalsa is a tiny, dark purple fruit with a unique sweet and tangy flavour. It is often used to make sherbets and desserts.
    • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is known for its high vitamin C content and is used in various culinary preparations, including chutneys and pickles.
    • Plum (Aloo Bukhara): Plums make jams, preserves, and desserts in Punjab.
    • Mulberry (Shahtoot): Mulberries are commonly found in Punjab, and their sweet and juicy berries are enjoyed fresh or used in various dishes.
    • Jamun (Indian Blackberry): Jamun is a purple fruit with a unique sweet and sour taste. It is often consumed fresh or used to make jam and jelly.
    • Lychee: Lychee is another delicious fruit grown in Punjab, known for its sweet and fragrant flesh.

    Punjabi Breakfast Delights: Fruits and Flavors to Start Your Day

    Here are some common breakfast fruits in Punjabi cuisine:

    • Kinnow: Kinnow, a citrus fruit, is often enjoyed during breakfast. It’s known for its sweet and tangy flavour and is commonly consumed as fresh juice.
    • Mango (Aam): Mangoes, especially varieties like “Chaunsa” and “Dussehri,” are a favourite breakfast fruit when in season. They are usually eaten fresh or as a fruit salad.
    • Banana (Kela): Bananas are a quick and convenient breakfast fruit in Punjab. They provide a good source of energy and essential nutrients.
    • Pomegranate (Anar): Pomegranate seeds are often added to fruit salads or eaten independently for a burst of flavour and nutrition in the morning.
    • Guava (Amrood): Guava is another common breakfast fruit in Punjab. It’s sliced and sprinkled with a pinch of salt and chilli powder to enhance its taste.
    • Ber (Indian Jujube): Ber is a small, sweet fruit sometimes eaten during breakfast. It can be enjoyed fresh or used in chutneys and pickles.
    • Phalsa: with its unique sweet and tangy taste, Phalsa is sometimes used to make refreshing breakfast sherbets or enjoyed as a fresh fruit.
    • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is known for its health benefits and is sometimes consumed as amla juice or amla murabba (sweet preserves) during breakfast.
    • Pear (Nashpati): Nashpati, or pear, is sliced and served fresh as part of a Punjabi breakfast.
    • Plum (Aloo Bukhara): Plums are occasionally eaten during breakfast, either fresh or as part of a fruit salad.


    In today’s blog, we talked all about fruits! We learned about fruits in Punjabi, English, and Hindi. Isn’t that amazing? Now you know how to say the names of your favourite fruits in three different languages.

    Learning different languages can be exciting and help you connect with people from different places. So, whether you want to call them “fruits name in Punjabi” or “phal naam Punjabi vich,” keep exploring and enjoying the wonderful world of fruits!

    So, the next time you enjoy a juicy mango (aam), a crunchy apple (seb), or any other fruit, you can impress your friends and family by telling them the fruit’s name in Punjabi, English, and Hindi. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep enjoying these delicious fruits!

    What do we call fruits in Punjabi?

    In Punjabi, fruits are called “ਫਲ” (Phal).

    What is the name of Jamun in Punjabi?

    Jamun is called “ਜਾਮਣ” (Jamun) in Punjabi.

    What is the famous fruit in Punjab?

    Mango (Aam) is one of the famous fruits in Punjab, especially varieties like “Chaunsa” and “Dussehri.”

    What is avocado fruit called in Punjabi?

    Avocado is called “ਅਵੋਕੇਡੋ” (Avocado) in Punjabi.

    What is called Nashpati?

    Nashpati is called “ਨਾਸ਼ਪਾਤੀ” (Nashpati) in Punjabi. It refers to the fruit pear.

    What is the Punjabi name for Blackberry?

    Blackberry is called “ਕਾਲੀ ਮਾਨਖ਼” (Kaali Maankh) in Punjabi.

    What are strawberries called in Punjabi?

    Strawberries are called “ਸਟਰਾਬੇਰੀ” (Strawberry) in Punjabi.

    What is the Punjabi meaning of apple?

    Apple is called “ਸੇਬ” (Seb) in Punjabi.

    Which fruit is called blackberry?

    Blackberry is a type of fruit known for its sweet and tart taste. It is called “blackberry” in English.

    Which fruit is the king of berries?

    The “king of berries” is often used to refer to the strawberry.

    What type of fruit is a strawberry?

    A strawberry is a type of berry fruit.

    What is a dragon fruit berry?

    Dragon fruit is considered a berry. It has a unique appearance with bright pink or white flesh and small black seeds.

    Is a pineapple a berry?

    Yes, botanically speaking, a pineapple is considered a type of berry.

    Is a watermelon a berry?

    Botanically, a watermelon is classified as a “pepo,” a type of berry with a hard rind and seeds, so yes, it is a berry.

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