Fruits Name That Starts With B

38 Fruits Name That Starts With B (Names, Pictures And Specification)

Exciting news! We’re diving into the world of fruits, and today’s adventure is all about “42 Fruits That Start With B”! Get ready to discover many amazing fruits that share a common first letter. From the classic Banana to the exotic Buddha’s Hand, each fruit has its own story and ...

Dilip Kumar

Table of Contents

    Exciting news! We’re diving into the world of fruits, and today’s adventure is all about “42 Fruits That Start With B”! Get ready to discover many amazing fruits that share a common first letter. From the classic Banana to the exotic Buddha’s Hand, each fruit has its own story and taste waiting for you.

    But that’s not all – we’ve got more fruity goodness for you. Have you ever wondered which fruits make your bones strong? Well, we’ve got you covered! Check out our special article on “Top Calcium Fruits For Strong Bones” to learn about the fruits that can help keep your bones healthy and happy.

    So, buckle up for a fruity journey through the letter B, and don’t forget to explore our bonus article for some extra knowledge about fruits and strong bones. Get ready to be amazed, and let the fruity fun begin! 

    Here are 41 fruit names that start with the letter “B.”

    Sr.NoImages Names
    1.banana FruitBanana
    2.Blueberry FruitBlueberry
    3.Blackberry FruitBlackberry
    5.Bilberry FruitBilberry
    6.Buddha's Hand FruitBuddha’s Hand
    7.Barbados Cherry fruitBarbados Cherry
    8.Blackcurrant FruitBlackcurrant
    9.Blood Orange FruitBlood Orange
    11.Bael FruitBael Fruit
    12.Bignay FruitBignay
    13.Bing Cherry FruitBing Cherry
    14.Betel NutBetel Nut
    16.Beach PlumBeach Plum
    17.Black Sapote FruitBlack Sapote
    18.Black MulberryBlack Mulberry
    19.Button Mangosteen FruitButton Mangosteen
    20.Brown MombinBrown Mombin
    21.Brush Cherries FruitBrush Cherries
    22.Bacaba FruitBacaba
    23.Barbados Gooseberry FruitBarbados Gooseberry
    24.American Black Elderberry FruitBlack Elderberry
    25.Borojo FruitBorojo
    27.Barberry FruitBarberry
    28.Barbary Fig Barbary Fig
    30.Black AppleBlack Apple
    31.Bitter MelonBitter Melon
    32.Brazilian Guava FruitBrazilian Guava
    33.Blue Grape FruitBlue Grape
    34.Babaco FruitBabaco
    35.Blushwood Berry FruitBlushwood Berry
    36.Blue Apple FruitBlue Apple
    37.Balimbing FuritBalimbing
    38.Black Raspberry FruitBlack Raspberry

    1. Banana

    Bananas are a fantastic choice when you’re at the grocery store looking for fruits. They are yellow and sweet and come in around 1,000 varieties worldwide. The most common one you’ll find in the store is the Cavendish variety, or sometimes you might see plantains. Bananas are not just tasty on their own; they’re also perfect for cooking. Whether you’re making banana bread or adding a slice to your ice cream sundae, these fruits bring a delicious touch to your recipes. So, the next time you’re in the mood for a smoothie or a sweet treat, consider grabbing a bunch of bananas! 

    Certainly! Here’s a simplified table about the nutrition of bananas per 100 grams, along with three points each on benefits and uses:

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Vitamin C8.7mg
    Vitamin B60.4mg


    1. Rich in Potassium: Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, promoting heart health and maintaining proper blood pressure.
    2. High in Vitamin C: They contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports the immune system and helps the body absorb iron.
    3. Good Source of Fiber: With a decent fiber content, bananas aid digestion and contribute to a feeling of fullness.


    1. Quick Energy Boost: The natural sugars in bananas provide a quick and healthy energy boost, making them a perfect snack.
    2. Post-Workout Recovery: The combination of carbohydrates and potassium makes bananas an effective snack for post-exercise muscle recovery.
    3. Versatile in Cooking: Apart from being enjoyed fresh, bananas are versatile in cooking, used in recipes like smoothies, banana bread, and desserts.

    Feel free to customize this information further or let me know if you have specific points you’d like to include!

    2. Blueberry


    Blueberries are small, round, and delicious berries that belong to the Vaccinium genus. These sweet and tangy fruits are known for their vibrant blue color and numerous health benefits. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

    These versatile berries can be enjoyed fresh, added to salads, cereals, or yogurt, and used in various culinary creations such as muffins, pancakes, and desserts. Blueberry picking becomes a cherished summer tradition in numerous regions, drawing people to engage in this delightful activity during the warm months. In addition to their delightful taste, blueberries are associated with potential health advantages, including improved heart health, cognitive function, and anti-inflammatory properties. Whether eaten on their own or incorporated into various dishes, blueberries are a delightful and nutritious fruit choice.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.4g
    Vitamin C9.7mg
    Vitamin K19.3μg


    1. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Rich in antioxidants, supporting overall health and well-being.
    2. Heart Health: Contributes to cardiovascular health, thanks to the presence of fiber and potassium.
    3. Cognitive Boost: Some studies suggest that blueberries may enhance cognitive function and memory.


    1. Snacking: A perfect, guilt-free snack for a burst of sweetness.
    2. Breakfast Boost: Enhance cereals, yogurt, or smoothie bowls with a handful of blueberries.
    3. Dessert Delight: Ideal for adding color and flavor to desserts like muffins, pancakes, and salads.

    Indulge in the deliciousness and health benefits of blueberries, nature’s little blue wonders! 

    3. Blackberry Fruit

    Blackberries, the dark and luscious jewels of the berry family, offer a delectable combination of sweetness and tartness. These succulent berries, often found in deep shades of purple and black, are not just a treat for the taste buds but also a nutritional powerhouse.

    Whether enjoyed fresh, in desserts, or blended into smoothies, blackberries bring a burst of flavor and health benefits to the table. Discover the rich taste and goodness that blackberries offer, making them a versatile and delightful addition to various culinary delights.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber5.3g
    Vitamin C21mg
    Vitamin K19.8μg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Blackberries are loaded with antioxidants, promoting overall health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: A high fiber content aids digestion and supports a healthy gut.
    3. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to a strong immune system and radiant skin.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy them on their own for a delightful and healthy snack.
    2. Dessert Enhancement: Perfect for adding flavor to pies, tarts, and desserts.
    3. Smoothie Delight: Blend into smoothies for a refreshing and nutritious treat.

    Savor the irresistible taste and health benefits of blackberries, nature’s dark and delicious bounty! 

    4. Boysenberry

    Boysenberries, a delightful cross between raspberries, blackberries, and loganberries, offer a unique and irresistible flavor profile. These deep purple berries, named after their creator Rudolph Boysen, bring together the sweetness of raspberries and the tartness of blackberries. 

    Boysenberries are not just a tasty addition to various dishes; they also come with a nutritional punch. From jams and desserts to refreshing beverages, the boysenberry’s versatility makes it a standout choice for those seeking a berry with a distinct and delicious taste.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber5.3g
    Vitamin C21mg
    Vitamin K19.8μg


    1. Antioxidant-Rich: Packed with antioxidants, supporting overall health and well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Promotes digestive health and helps maintain a feeling of fullness.
    3. Vitamins and Minerals: Provides essential nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin K.


    1. Jam and Jelly: Ideal for making flavorful jams and jellies.
    2. Desserts: Enhances the taste of pies, tarts, and other sweet treats.
    3. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy as a fresh and tasty snack or add to salads for a burst of flavor.

    Indulge in the unique taste and nutritional benefits of boysenberries, a berry blend that stands out in the world of fruits!

    5. Bilberry

    Bilberries, nature’s tiny treasures, are a delightful burst of goodness and flavor. These deep blue-purple berries, akin to blueberries, hold a unique charm with their slightly sweet and tangy taste. Renowned for both their culinary and health benefits, bilberries have carved a niche as a beloved berry.

    Whether enjoyed fresh, in jams, or as a supplement, these little wonders offer a taste of the wild and a wealth of well-being. Step into the enchanting world of bilberries, where their rich color mirrors the abundance of positive attributes they bring to the table.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.8g
    Vitamin C21mg
    Vitamin K19.3μg


    1. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Rich in anthocyanins, supporting overall health and combating oxidative stress.
    2. Eye Health: Traditionally believed to promote vision and eye health.
    3. Cardiovascular Support: May contribute to heart health due to their anthocyanin content.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy as a refreshing and nutritious snack.
    2. Jam and Syrup: Ideal for making flavorful jams, syrups, and sauces.
    3. Supplements: Available in supplement form for those seeking concentrated health benefits.

    Explore the world of bilberries, where their tiny size conceals a myriad of positive attributes and flavors! 

    6. Buddha’s Hand

    Buddha's Hand

    Buddha’s Hand, an exotic and intriguing citrus fruit, captivates with its unique appearance and aromatic zest. Resembling multiple yellow fingers extending from a central base, this fragrant fruit is not your typical citrus. Symbolizing happiness and good fortune, Buddha’s Hand is a symbol of positivity.

    While it’s not typically consumed for its flesh, its peel and zest hold a treasure trove of culinary possibilities. Discover the mystical allure and citrusy charm of Buddha’s Hand, a fruit that brings both visual delight and aromatic bliss to those fortunate enough to encounter it.


    Buddha’s Hand is not typically consumed in large quantities, and its nutritional information is not widely documented. However, its culinary value lies in its aromatic zest and peel.


    1. Aromatic Essence: The zest adds a unique and intense citrus aroma to culinary creations.
    2. Symbolic Significance: Revered as a symbol of happiness and good fortune in various cultures.
    3. Culinary Versatility: Used in baking, cooking, and as a decorative element in cocktails and infused spirits.


    1. Zest and Flavoring: Grate the zest to infuse a powerful citrus flavor into dishes, desserts, and beverages.
    2. Culinary Decoration: The visually striking fruit makes for an eye-catching and aromatic centerpiece.
    3. Citrus-Infused Creations: Elevate cocktails, syrups, and marinades with the unique essence of Buddha’s Hand.

    Embrace the exotic allure of Buddha’s Hand, a citrus treasure that adds both visual and aromatic magic to your culinary adventures! 

    7. Barbados Cherry

    Barbados Cherry, also known as Acerola, is a vibrant and tangy fruit celebrated for its exceptional vitamin C content and sweet-tart taste. Originating from the Caribbean, this small, cherry-like fruit boasts a bright red or yellow hue, enticing both the eyes and the palate. 

    Beyond its delicious flavor, Barbados Cherry is a nutritional powerhouse, contributing to overall well-being. Embrace the tropical allure and health benefits of this little cherry, as it brings a burst of exotic sweetness to your culinary repertoire.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber1.1g
    Vitamin C1677mg
    Vitamin A767IU


    1. High Vitamin C Content: Boosts immune function and promotes skin health.
    2. Antioxidant Power: Rich in antioxidants, contributing to overall health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestion and a healthy gut.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy as a refreshing and nutritious snack.
    2. Juices and Smoothies: Extract the juice for vitamin C-rich beverages.
    3. Culinary Enhancements: Incorporate into salads, desserts, or sauces for a tangy twist.

    Savor the tropical delight and nutritional richness of Barbados Cherry, a small fruit with big benefits! 🍒😊

    8. Blackcurrant


    Blackcurrant, a small and glossy dark purple fruit, is a flavor-packed gem known for its intense tartness and rich nutritional profile. Native to Europe and Asia, this tiny fruit has made its mark as a versatile ingredient in both culinary and medicinal applications. 

    Bursting with a deep, robust flavor, blackcurrants are celebrated for their role in creating delicious jams, juices, and desserts. Beyond their culinary allure, these berries are laden with health benefits, making them a sought-after addition to a balanced and flavorful diet.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.3g
    Vitamin C181mg
    Vitamin A380IU


    1. Vitamin C Powerhouse: Boosts immunity and supports skin health.
    2. Rich in Antioxidants: Contributes to overall health and well-being.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Promotes digestive health and aids in maintaining a feeling of fullness.


    1. Jams and Preserves: Ideal for creating flavorful jams, jellies, and preserves.
    2. Beverages: Used in juices, cordials, and smoothies for a tangy kick.
    3. Desserts and Baking: Enhances the flavor of cakes, tarts, and other sweet treats.

    Indulge in the bold and tangy flavor of blackcurrants, a small fruit that packs a big punch in both taste and nutrition! 🍇😊

    9. Blood Orange

    Blood Orange

    Blood Orange, a captivating citrus variety, stands out with its vibrant crimson hue and distinct sweet-tart flavor. Originating from Italy, this unique orange cultivar adds a touch of elegance and depth to both culinary creations and refreshing beverages. 

    The deep red or maroon flesh, a result of anthocyanin pigments, not only delights the eyes but also indicates an abundance of antioxidants. Embrace the sweet citrusy notes and nutritional richness as you explore the world of Blood Oranges, a fruit that brings both visual and gustatory pleasure to the table.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.2g
    Vitamin C89mg


    1. Rich in Vitamin C: Supports immune function and promotes skin health.
    2. Antioxidant Power: Contains anthocyanins, contributing to overall health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Aids digestion and supports a healthy gut.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy as a juicy and flavorful snack.
    2. Citrusy Beverages: Extract the juice for refreshing cocktails and beverages.
    3. Culinary Delights: Enhances salads, desserts, and savory dishes with its unique flavor and color.

    Savor the exquisite taste and nutritional bounty of Blood Oranges, a citrus delight that adds a burst of sophistication to your palate! 🍊😊

    10. Breadfruit

    Breadfruit, a tropical treasure, is a starchy and versatile fruit with a unique texture and mild flavor. Originating from the Pacific Islands, this large green fruit belongs to the mulberry family and has been a staple in various cuisines around the world. 

    Recognized for its potato-like consistency when cooked, breadfruit is not only a source of sustenance but also a culinary chameleon that can be prepared in diverse ways. Explore the wholesome goodness and culinary adaptability of breadfruit, a nourishing fruit that has been a source of sustenance for centuries.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.9g
    Vitamin C29mg


    1. Rich in Carbohydrates: Provides a substantial source of energy.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Cooked as a Staple: Boiled, roasted, or fried, breadfruit is a starchy staple in various cuisines.
    2. Versatile Ingredient: Adapts to both sweet and savory dishes, from curries to desserts.
    3. Sustainable Food Source: Known for its high yield and resilience, it contributes to food security.

    Discover the culinary diversity and nutritional benefits of breadfruit, a tropical gem that has played a crucial role in the diets of many cultures. 🍈😊

    11. Bael Fruit

    Bael Fruit

    Bael Fruit, also known as Wood Apple, is an ancient and revered fruit native to Southeast Asia. This distinctive fruit, with a hard woody shell and aromatic pulp, has been cherished for both its culinary and medicinal properties.

    The bael tree holds cultural significance in various traditions, and its fruit is celebrated for its unique taste and potential health benefits. Whether consumed fresh or processed into beverages and traditional remedies, Bael Fruit adds a touch of exotic charm to the culinary and wellness landscape.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.6g
    Vitamin C8.7mg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may combat oxidative stress.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain a feeling of fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the aromatic and sweet pulp as a fresh snack.
    2. Traditional Beverages: Used in refreshing drinks and sherbets.
    3. Medicinal Remedies: Respected in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits.

    Experience the exotic allure and potential wellness benefits of Bael Fruit, a cherished fruit with a rich cultural history. 

    12. Bignay

    Bignay, a lesser-known gem in the world of fruits, is a small, round berry native to Southeast Asia. Also known as Antidesma, these tiny berries grow in clusters and carry a unique blend of sweet and tart flavors. While less common on the global stage, Bignay has found its place in regional cuisines and traditional medicine. 

    Often used in jams, beverages, and as a flavoring agent, Bignay offers a distinctive taste and a touch of exotic flair to those who explore its culinary and potential health benefits.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber5.3g
    Vitamin C29mg


    1. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    2. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Jam and Preserves: Ideal for making flavorful jams, jellies, and preserves.
    2. Beverages: Used in traditional drinks, adding a unique sweet-tart note.
    3. Medicinal Use: Respected in traditional medicine for potential health benefits.

    Explore the unique taste and potential benefits of Bignay, a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered in the world of fruits. 🍇😊

    13. Bing Cherry

    Bing Cherry

    Bing Cherries, with their deep red hue and luscious sweetness, are a beloved variety in the cherry family. Named after an orchardist, Ah Bing, these cherries are renowned for their vibrant color and succulent flavor. 

    Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various culinary delights, Bing Cherries bring a burst of summer sweetness to the table. With a perfect balance of tartness and sweetness, these cherries are a delightful treat and a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber1.6g
    Vitamin C7mg


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains anthocyanins, contributing to overall health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy them as a delightful and nutritious snack.
    2. Desserts and Baking: Perfect for pies, tarts, and other sweet treats.
    3. Savory Dishes: Adds a sweet element to salads, sauces, and meat dishes.

    Indulge in the sweet and succulent goodness of Bing Cherries, a summer delight that brightens up any culinary creation! 

    14. Betel Nut

    Betel Nut

    The betel nut holds cultural significance in many parts of Asia, where it is often chewed for its stimulating effects. The practice, known as “betel chewing,” involves wrapping pieces of areca nut in betel leaves along with other ingredients like slaked lime and sometimes tobacco. 

    While deeply rooted in tradition, the consumption of betel nut has health concerns and is associated with various risks, including potential carcinogenic effects.

    Nutritional Information:

    The nutritional composition of betel nut is not typically highlighted due to its usage primarily as a stimulant rather than a food source. However, it contains alkaloids, tannins, and other compounds contributing to its psychoactive effects.

    Cultural and Medicinal Uses:

    Traditional Chewing: Commonly chewed for its stimulant properties, which may result in increased alertness and mild euphoria.

    Cultural Practices: Embedded in cultural rituals and ceremonies in some Asian communities.

    Medicinal Folklore: Believed to have medicinal properties in traditional medicine, although caution is advised due to potential health risks.

    It’s crucial to be aware that the habitual use of betel nut is associated with various health risks, including oral cancer, addiction, and adverse cardiovascular effects. Consultation with health professionals is recommended for a comprehensive understanding of these risks.

    15. Bearberry


    Bearberry, a delightful gem of the natural world, graces landscapes with its low-growing charm and vibrant red berries. Resilient and cherished by both bears and humans, this small wonder is not just visually pleasing but also holds potential health benefits. From its traditional uses to modern applications, bearberry adds a positive touch to the tapestry of herbal remedies, offering a glimpse into the harmonious relationship between nature and well-being.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber5.3g
    Vitamin C15mg


    1. Urinary Tract Health: Traditionally used for potential diuretic and antiseptic effects.
    2. Antioxidant Properties: Contains vitamin C, contributing to overall health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.


    1. Herbal Remedies: Employed in traditional medicine for urinary system support.
    2. Nutrient Boost: Provides a source of vitamins and minerals in herbal teas.
    3. Culinary Exploration: Creative chefs experiment with bearberry in jams and desserts.

    Discover the positive allure of bearberry, where beauty meets potential health benefits in a vibrant embrace of nature.

    16. Beach Plum

    Beach Plum, a coastal delight, graces sandy shores with its small, flavorful fruits and resilient spirit. Native to North America, these plum-like treasures bring a burst of sweetness amid the coastal breeze. Prized for their unique taste and adaptability to harsh seaside conditions, Beach Plums are not only a delicious treat but also a symbol of nature’s ability to thrive in challenging environments. Embrace the coastal charm and sweet simplicity of Beach Plum, a petite fruit that adds a touch of seaside magic to the world of flavors.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.2g
    Vitamin C15.1mg
    Vitamin K3.5μg


    1. Rich in Vitamin C: Supports immune function and skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Promotes digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Antioxidant Properties: Contributes to overall well-being.


    1. Jams and Preserves: Ideal for making flavorful jams, jellies, and preserves.
    2. Baking Delight: Enhances pies, tarts, and desserts with its unique sweetness.
    3. Fresh Enjoyment: Simply relish the sweet, plump fruits as a delightful beachside snack.

    Savor the coastal essence and nutritional goodness of Beach Plum, a charming fruit that encapsulates the spirit of seaside serenity. 🏖️🍑😊

    17. Black Sapote

    Black Sapote

    Black Sapote, often referred to as the “Chocolate Pudding Fruit,” is a tropical gem known for its rich, velvety texture and a flavor that resembles chocolate pudding. Originating from Central America, this unique fruit captivates taste buds with its decadent taste and creamy consistency. Beyond its delightful flavor, Black Sapote offers a range of nutritional benefits, making it a guilt-free indulgence for those seeking a chocolaty treat with a tropical twist.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.4g
    Vitamin C18.2mg


    1. Rich in Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    2. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to a strong immune system and radiant skin.
    3. Low in Fat: A guilt-free, chocolaty indulgence without excess fats.


    1. Chocolaty Desserts: Perfect for creating chocolate-flavored desserts, puddings, and smoothies.
    2. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the fruit on its own for a unique and tasty experience.
    3. Nutrient-Rich Snacking: A flavorful and nutritious snack with a tropical twist.

    Indulge in the chocolate-like allure and nutritional goodness of Black Sapote, a fruit that transforms dessert dreams into reality. 🍫🍈😊

    18. Black Mulberry

    Black Mulberry

    Black Mulberry, a luscious and dark-hued berry, is a delicacy that tantalizes taste buds with its sweet and mildly tangy flavor. Originating from Western Asia, this versatile fruit has traversed continents, leaving a trail of culinary delight. 

    With a rich history dating back centuries, Black Mulberries are not only admired for their exquisite taste but also for their potential health benefits. Explore the sumptuous world of Black Mulberries, where each bite is a harmonious blend of sweetness and nutrition.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.1g
    Vitamin C43mg


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains vitamin C and other antioxidants, supporting overall health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Promotes digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Iron Source: Contributes to the transport of oxygen in the body.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy the juicy and sweet berries as a delightful snack.
    2. Desserts and Baking: Enhance the flavor of pies, tarts, and cakes with Black Mulberries.
    3. Jam and Preserves: Ideal for making flavorful jams, jellies, and preserves

    Savor the succulence and nutritional richness of Black Mulberries, a timeless fruit that adds a touch of sweetness to every moment. 

    19. Button Mangosteen

    Button Mangosteen

    Enter the enchanting world of the Button Mangosteen, a petite fruit that packs a delightful punch of sweetness and tropical allure. Scientifically known as Diospyros blancoi, this miniature marvel charms with its button-like appearance and a flavor profile that mirrors its famous relative, the mangosteen. With each bite-sized treasure, you embark on a journey of exotic bliss, unlocking the essence of the tropics in a small, delectable package. Let the Button Mangosteen introduce you to a world where tiny wonders bring immense joy and where the positive vibes of tropical indulgence linger on your taste buds.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Button Mangosteen can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.8g
    Vitamin C27.7mg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may support overall health.
    2. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy as a sweet, bite-sized snack.
    2. Desserts: Adds a tropical touch to desserts, salads, and beverages.
    3. Culinary Creativity: Incorporates into jams, sauces, and creative culinary dishes.

    As the Button Mangosteen graces your palate, relish in the positive vibes of this tropical delight, where small size meets big flavor, and every moment is a celebration of the joy found in the world of fruits. 

    20. Brown Mombin

    Brown Mombin, scientifically known as Spondias dulcis, is a tropical fruit that adds a burst of exotic flavor to culinary landscapes. Commonly referred to as “Spanish Plum” or “Hog Plum,” this fruit boasts a unique taste that varies from sweet to tart, with a hint of resinous undertones. Originating from the Americas, the Brown Mombin has traveled across continents, leaving a flavorful imprint on various cuisines. With its versatile applications and distinctive flavor profile, this tropical delight invites you to explore the rich tapestry of tastes found in its golden-hued flesh.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber0.9g
    Vitamin C20.7mg


    1. Vitamin C Source: Supports immune function and skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Contributes to digestive health.
    3. Antioxidant Properties: Contains compounds that may promote overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the fruit as a refreshing snack.
    2. Jams and Preserves: Ideal for making flavorful spreads.
    3. Culinary Applications: Adds a tropical touch to salads, sauces, and desserts.

    Explore the tropical allure of Brown Mombin, a golden treasure with a distinctive flavour that invites culinary creativity and a taste of the tropics. 

    21. Brush Cherries

    Brush Cherries Fruit

    Step into the world of vibrant flavors with Brush Cherries, a delightful fruit that brings a burst of sweetness and tropical allure. Scientifically known as Syzygium austral, these cherries enchant with their glossy appearance and a taste that strikes the perfect balance between tart and sweet. Originating from tropical regions, Brush Cherries have become a favorite for those seeking a unique and refreshing fruit experience. As you bite into these tiny, ruby-like gems, you’ll discover a symphony of flavors that dance on your taste buds, making every moment a celebration of nature’s fruity wonders.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Brush Cherries can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.3g
    Vitamin C69.3mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Promotes immune function and supports skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Aids in digestion and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Antioxidant Properties: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy as a flavorful, bite-sized snack.
    2. Jams and Preserves: Transform into delicious spreads for culinary creativity.
    3. Salads and Desserts: Adds a burst of color and flavor to salads and desserts.

    Embrace the tropical charm of Brush Cherries, where each tiny fruit encapsulates the essence of sunshine and sweetness, making every moment a delightful journey into the world of exotic fruits. 

    22. Bacaba

    Bacaba, a hidden gem in the realm of tropical fruits, graces the lush landscapes of South America. Known for its unique flavor and cultural significance, Bacaba emerges as a symbol of biodiversity and culinary delight. This small, dark-purple fruit, borne by the Bacaba palm (Oenocarpus bacaba), offers a journey into the heart of the rainforest, where its rich taste and potential health benefits have been cherished for generations. Let Bacaba be your guide to the exotic, inviting you to savor the harmonious blend of tradition, flavor, and well-being.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional information for Bacaba may vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.8g
    Vitamin C15.5mg


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Beverages: Extracted for traditional drinks like Bacaba wine or juices.
    2. Culinary Applications: Added to desserts, jams, or incorporated into savory dishes.
    3. Traditional Medicine: Valued in indigenous practices for potential health benefits.

    Embark on a tropical journey with Bacaba, where every bite is a fusion of cultural heritage and the lush abundance of the rainforest. 

    23. Barbados Gooseberry

    Barbados Gooseberry

    Barbados Gooseberry, a jewel of the Caribbean, graces the landscapes with its vibrant presence. Also known as “Star Gooseberry” or “West Indian Gooseberry,” this small, translucent fruit brings a burst of tropical sweetness to the palate. Native to the West Indies, Barbados Gooseberry thrives in warm climates, offering not only a delightful taste but also a touch of exotic elegance. With its unique star-shaped appearance and sweet-tart flavor, this fruit embodies the spirit of the Caribbean, inviting you to indulge in the tropical symphony of flavors.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional information for Barbados Gooseberry may vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.3g
    Vitamin C33mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Supports immune function and skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Promotes digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Antioxidant Properties: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy the sweet-tart goodness as a refreshing snack.
    2. Jam and Preserves: Ideal for making flavorful spreads and desserts.
    3. Beverages: Used in tropical beverages, adding a unique twist to drinks.

    Immerse yourself in the tropical allure of Barbados Gooseberry, a star in the culinary tapestry of the Caribbean that promises a taste of paradise with every bite.

    24. Black Elderberry

    Black Elderberry, a dark-hued jewel among berries, emerges as a powerhouse of both flavor and potential health benefits. Scientifically known as Sambucus nigra, this fruit has a rich history of traditional use, often celebrated for its deep color and distinctive taste. With a robust flavor that balances sweetness and tartness, Black Elderberries have found their way into various culinary creations and wellness practices. Let the enchanting essence of Black Elderberry captivate your senses as you explore the realms of both gastronomic delight and natural well-being.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Black Elderberries can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber7g
    Vitamin C6.4mg


    1. Immune Support: Black Elderberries are associated with immune-boosting properties.
    2. Antioxidant Rich: Contain anthocyanins and other antioxidants.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.


    1. Syrups and Elixirs: Used in traditional remedies for immune support.
    2. Jams and Desserts: Adds a unique flavor to jams, pies, and desserts.
    3. Beverages: Featured in teas, juices, and cocktails for both taste and potential health benefits.

    Embrace the rich flavor and potential wellness benefits of Black Elderberry, a versatile and esteemed fruit in the realms of both culinary artistry and natural health. 🌿🍇😊

    25. Borojo

    Borojo, a hidden treasure of the South American rainforests, unveils its exotic allure in the form of a large, brown fruit. Scientifically known as Alibertia patinoi, Borojo has been cherished by indigenous communities for centuries. With a unique flavor that balances sweetness and a hint of bitterness, this tropical fruit not only tantalizes taste buds but also holds cultural significance. As a symbol of vitality and traditional wisdom, Borojo invites you to partake in the richness of the rainforest, where each bite carries the essence of a thriving ecosystem and the wisdom of ancient cultures.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Borojo can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber3.1g
    Vitamin C37.2mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Mineral Content: Contains iron and other minerals beneficial for overall well-being.


    1. Beverages: Borojo is often used to prepare traditional energy drinks and juices.
    2. Culinary Applications: Adds a unique flavor to desserts, jams, and sauces.
    3. Traditional Medicine: Valued in traditional practices for its potential health benefits.

    Embark on a journey into the heart of the rainforest with Borojo, where tradition, flavor, and vitality converge in a single, extraordinary fruit. 

    26. Bael


    Bael Fruit, scientifically known as Aegle marmelos, graces tropical regions with its fragrant, round fruit. Revered for its cultural significance and versatile uses, Bael is often referred to as the “Wood Apple.” With a tough outer shell concealing aromatic, pulpy goodness within, this fruit captures the essence of ancient traditions and the richness of its natural habitat. Known for its sweet and tangy flavor, Bael transcends culinary boundaries, offering a taste of both tradition and exotic allure.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Bael Fruit can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.6g
    Vitamin C8.7mg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Refreshing Drinks: Bael fruit is often used to make cooling beverages and traditional sherbets.
    2. Culinary Delights: The pulp is utilized in desserts, jams, and chutneys.
    3. Traditional Medicine: Respected in Ayurveda for potential medicinal properties.

    Savor the sweet essence of Bael Fruit, a timeless fruit that not only tantalizes taste buds but also weaves a tapestry of tradition and well-being. 🌳🍈😊

    27. Barberry

    Barberry Fruit

    Dive into the world of Barberry, a small yet potent fruit that sparks the senses with its tart and tangy brilliance. Scientifically known as Berberis vulgaris, this jewel-like berry has been cherished for centuries, not only for its distinct flavor but also for its potential health benefits. With a vibrant red hue and a zesty taste, Barberries have found their way into culinary creations and traditional medicine alike. As you explore the world of this unique fruit, you’ll discover a symphony of flavors that adds a touch of excitement to both sweet and savory dishes.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Barberries can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.5g
    Vitamin C23mg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may support overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Culinary Creations: Adds a burst of flavor to jams, sauces, and Middle Eastern dishes.
    2. Herbal Tea: Infused into teas for a tangy and refreshing beverage.
    3. Traditional Medicine: Used in some cultures for its potential health-promoting properties.

    As you savor the tangy allure of Barberries, let their unique flavor transport you to culinary landscapes and traditional practices, celebrating the versatility and richness that this little berry brings to the table.

    28. Barbary Fig

    Barbary Fig, also known as Prickly Pear or Opuntia ficus-indica, stands as a resilient symbol of arid landscapes, offering a treasure trove of flavor and nutritional richness. With its distinctive appearance, clad in prickly spines and vibrant colors, this succulent fruit reveals a delicious interior that has been cherished for centuries. Embracing the spirit of tenacity, Barbary Fig captivates with its sweet, subtly tangy taste, embodying the beauty that thrives in harsh environments. Let the allure of this desert gem transport you to sun-drenched landscapes, where resilience and flavor coalesce.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Barbary Fig can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber3.6g
    Vitamin C6mg


    1. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    2. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    3. Mineral Content: Contains calcium and other minerals beneficial for overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the sweet, juicy flesh as a refreshing snack.
    2. Culinary Delights: Used in salads, jams, and creative dishes.
    3. Beverages: Blended into smoothies or juices for a unique twist.

    Embrace the tenacity and flavor of Barbary Fig, a resilient fruit that thrives in challenging environments, offering a taste of the sun-soaked desert. 

    29. Bayberry


    Bayberry, a small, wax-coated fruit produced by the bayberry shrub (Myrica spp.), charms with its unique characteristics and historical significance. Also known as waxberry or Myrica fruit, it’s not just the fruit’s sweet-tart taste that captivates, but also its wax coating, which has been traditionally used for making candles. With a nod to both culinary and cultural traditions, bayberry offers a delightful fusion of flavor and utility, inviting you to explore its versatile nature and the stories woven into its waxen embrace.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Bayberry can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4.3g
    Vitamin C23.2mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Antioxidant Properties: Contains compounds that may promote overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Snacking: Enjoy the sweet-tart flavor as a wholesome snack.
    2. Culinary Applications: Used in jams, jellies, and desserts.
    3. Traditional Wax Uses: The wax coating historically used for making candles and crafts.

    Experience the charm of Bayberry, where flavor, utility, and tradition converge in a delightful celebration of nature’s offerings.

    30. Black Apple

    Black Apple

    The Black Apple, a nature’s marvel, graces orchards with its alluring charm and distinctive dark hue. Radiating positivity through its rich flavor and unique appearance, this fruit is a testament to the diversity of Mother Earth’s bounty. With every bite, the Black Apple unfolds a delightful symphony of taste, infusing joy into orchards and kitchens alike. Embrace the positivity that emanates from this ebony-skinned gem, inviting you to savor the sweetness of life in every crisp and juicy bite.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Black Apple can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.4g
    Vitamin C4.6mg


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the sweet and crunchy Black Apple as a wholesome snack.
    2. Salads and Desserts: Adds a unique touch to salads, desserts, and fruit platters.
    3. Juices and Smoothies: Blends well into refreshing beverages for a burst of flavor.

    Embrace the positivity of the Black Apple, a delightful fruit that not only pleases the palate but also adds a touch of elegance to culinary creations. 

    31. Bitter Melon

    Bitter Melon

    Bitter Melon, a green wonder of the vegetable kingdom, brings a burst of unique flavors and potential health benefits to the table. Scientifically known as Momordica charantia, this cucumber-shaped fruit boasts a distinctive bitter taste that has earned it various monikers worldwide. While its flavor may challenge the taste buds, the nutritional richness within is a testament to its wellness virtues. Bitter Melon stands as a culinary and medicinal marvel, inviting you to explore the depths of its bitter charm and discover the balance it brings to both the palate and well-being.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Bitter Melon can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.6g
    Vitamin C33mg


    1. Rich in Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Culinary Applications: Used in various cuisines for its unique flavor, often in stir-fries and curries.
    2. Herbal Medicine: Valued in traditional medicine for potential health benefits.
    3. Juices and Smoothies: Blended into beverages for a nutritional boost.

    While the bitterness of Bitter Melon may be an acquired taste, its nutritional profile and culinary versatility make it a valuable addition to health-conscious and adventurous diets. 

    32. Brazilian Guava

    Brazilian Guava

    Brazilian Guava, a tropical delight embraced by sun-drenched orchards, enchants with its sweet fragrance and luscious taste. Scientifically known as Psidium guajava, this fruit embodies the vibrant spirit of Brazil’s diverse landscapes. From the bustling markets to the tranquil orchards, Brazilian Guava invites you on a sensory journey, where each bite unveils the essence of tropical abundance and culinary bliss. Let the tropical sun-kissed sweetness of Brazilian Guava transport you to the heart of Brazil’s rich and flavorful fruit culture.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for guava can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber5.4g
    Vitamin C228mg


    1. Vitamin C Powerhouse: Boosts immune function and supports skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Aids in digestion and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Antioxidant Rich: Contains compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the juicy sweetness of Brazilian Guava as a refreshing snack.
    2. Smoothies and Juices: Blend into tropical beverages for a burst of flavor.
    3. Desserts and Jams: Used in desserts, jams, and culinary creations.

    Indulge in the tropical allure of Brazilian Guava, where every bite is a celebration of Brazil’s sun-soaked bounty and the rich flavors of the tropics.

    33. Blue Grape

    In the heart of vibrant Bangalore, an extraordinary treasure awaits – the Bangalore Blue Fruit. Bursting with hues reminiscent of the city’s lively spirit, this unique fruit captures the essence of innovation and diversity. Scientifically known as Syzygium cumini, this exotic gem, often referred to as Jamun or Java Plum, is celebrated for its rich flavor and cultural significance. As the Bangalore Blue graces orchards, it not only paints the landscape with its distinctive color but also offers a culinary and nutritional adventure. Let the Bangalore Blue Fruit be your flavorful guide through the city’s enchanting orchards, promising a positive symphony of taste and well-being.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Bangalore Blue Fruit can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.6g
    Vitamin C18.8mg


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Jam-packed with compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Digestive Health: Dietary fiber supports digestion and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the sweet-tart Bangalore Blue as a nutritious snack.
    2. Culinary Creations: Used in jams, juices, and traditional desserts.
    3. Traditional Medicine: Revered in Ayurveda for potential health benefits.

    Embark on a journey through Bangalore’s orchards with the Bangalore Blue, where every bite is a fusion of cultural richness and the positivity that blossoms in this dynamic city.

    34. Babaco


    Babaco, the exotic jewel of high-altitude landscapes, unveils its splendor with a pear-like shape and golden hue. Scientifically known as Vasconcellea × heilbornii, this tropical fruit captivates with its sweet and tangy flavor profile, reminiscent of a delightful blend of papaya and pineapple. Originating from the Andean cloud forests, Babaco takes center stage in the world of unique and delectable fruits.

    As you slice through its smooth skin to reveal the juicy, seedless interior, you embark on a journey of tropical indulgence. Discover the enchantment of Babaco, where each bite is a celebration of high-altitude sweetness and exotic allure.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Babaco can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber1.6g
    Vitamin C103mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Enhances immune function and promotes skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Potassium: Contributes to heart health and fluid balance.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the refreshing taste of Babaco as a standalone snack.
    2. Salads and Salsas: Incorporate fruit salads or salsas for a tropical twist.
    3. Beverages: Blend into smoothies or juices for a unique and nutritious beverage.

    Embark on a journey of tropical delight with Babaco, a fruit that not only graces high-altitude landscapes but also brings a taste of exotic sweetness to your palate.

    35. Blushwood Berry

    Nestled in the lush rainforests of Australia, the Blushwood Berry emerges as a rare and captivating botanical gem. Scientifically known as Hylandia dockrillii, this small, vibrant fruit is celebrated for both its unique beauty and its potential health benefits. With a mesmerizing blush hue and an intriguing flavor profile, the Blushwood Berry stands as a testament to the biodiversity of Australia’s flora. As it flourishes amidst the vibrant foliage, this extraordinary fruit invites you to explore the mysteries of the rainforest and savor the essence of nature’s most enchanting creations.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Blushwood Berry can vary, and specific data may not be widely available.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber4g
    Vitamin C214mg
    AntioxidantsVarious compounds


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains various compounds with potential health benefits.
    2. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.


    1. Limited Consumption: Typically consumed in limited quantities for potential health benefits.
    2. Topical Applications: Extracts may be used in skincare products.
    3. Research: Studied for its potential medicinal properties, particularly in the field of oncology.

    As the Blushwood Berry unveils its crimson allure, it beckons exploration into the mysteries of the rainforest, offering a glimpse into the potential wonders hidden within its vibrant depths.

    36. Blue Apple

    In the realm of orchards, a mesmerizing wonder graces us – the Blue Apple, a fruit that embodies both uniqueness and enchantment. With its azure-hued skin, this extraordinary apple variety stands as a testament to nature’s artistic palette. Imagine biting into a crisp, refreshing apple that not only delights the taste buds but also mesmerizes with its vibrant blue exterior. The Blue Apple is a whimsical fusion of taste and aesthetics, promising a sensory journey that uplifts the spirit and sparks joy. Let the azure allure of the Blue Apple invite you to a world where every bite is a celebration of nature’s creativity and the boundless possibilities of flavor.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Blue Apple is a hypothetical concept, and the nutritional values below are for illustrative purposes only.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.5g
    Vitamin C4.8mg
    AntioxidantsVarious compounds


    1. Antioxidant Rich: Contains various compounds that may promote overall well-being.
    2. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.
    3. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy the crisp and flavorful Blue Apple as a wholesome snack.
    2. Culinary Creations: Use in salads, desserts, and creative culinary dishes for a visual and tasty impact.
    3. Colorful Beverages: Infuse its unique hue into beverages, juices, and mocktails for a vibrant touch.

    While the Blue Apple remains a fantastical concept, the joy it brings lies in the imagination it sparks—a symbol of the endless wonders nature can create.

    37. Balimbing


    Balimbing, also known as Carambola or Star Fruit, graces tropical landscapes with its distinctive star-shaped appearance and a flavor that dances between sweet and tart notes. Scientifically known as Averrhoa carambola, this fruit hails from Southeast Asia but has found its way into the hearts of fruit enthusiasts worldwide. The name “Balimbing” in Filipino culture carries dual meanings—referring to both the star fruit and symbolizing someone who is adaptable. As the Balimbing adorns orchards with its celestial design, it invites you on a journey of taste, versatility, and the delightful joy of savoring the tropical essence.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Balimbing can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber2.8g
    Vitamin C34.4mg


    1. Vitamin C Boost: Enhances immune function and promotes skin health.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and aids in maintaining fullness.
    3. Low-Calorie Option: A tasty and refreshing choice for those watching their calorie intake.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy Balimbing slices as a juicy and visually appealing snack.
    2. Salads and Salsas: Adds a tropical twist to salads and salsas.
    3. Juices and Smoothies: Blends well into refreshing beverages for a burst of flavor.

    As the Balimbing’s celestial shape graces your palate, it symbolizes adaptability—whether in its name or its ability to seamlessly enhance both sweet and savory culinary creations.

    38. Black Raspberry

    In the world of berries, the Black Raspberry stands as a distinguished gem, captivating with its deep, dark hue and exquisite flavor. Scientifically known as Rubus occidentalis, this berry variety takes the richness of traditional raspberries to a new level. With a sweet-tart taste and a burst of juicy goodness, the Black Raspberry emerges from lush canes, inviting berry enthusiasts to savor its unique essence. 

    As a cousin to the red raspberry, this dark beauty not only tantalizes the taste buds but also brings a touch of elegance to desserts, jams, and culinary creations. Join the celebration of the Black Raspberry, where each bite is a delectable journey into berry brilliance.

    Nutrition (per 100 grams):

    Note: Nutritional values for Black Raspberry can vary. The table below provides general estimates.

    NutrientAmount per 100g
    Dietary Fiber6.8g
    Vitamin C26.2mg


    1. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Loaded with compounds that may contribute to overall well-being.
    2. Dietary Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps maintain fullness.
    3. Vitamin C Boost: Contributes to immune function and skin health.


    1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy Black Raspberries as a nutritious and flavorful snack.
    2. Desserts and Baking: Incorporate into pies, tarts, and desserts for a delightful twist.
    3. Jam and Preserves: Create delicious spreads and preserves to savor the berry’s essence.

    As the Black Raspberry graces your taste buds with its dark allure, it unveils a world of berry sophistication, where sweetness and tartness harmonize in every juicy morsel.


    In exploring fruits that start with the letter B, we’ve uncovered many delicious and nutritious options that can add flavour to our daily lives. From the familiar and sweet Banana to the vibrant Blueberry and the unique Boysenberry, each fruit brings its special taste. We also learned about these fruits’ health benefits, like Vitamin C in Bananas and antioxidants in Blueberries.

    Remember, fruits are not just tasty; they’re good for our bodies too! Eating various fruits gives us the energy and nutrients we need to stay healthy and strong. If you enjoyed discovering fruits that start with B, you’ll be thrilled to know that we have more exciting fruits waiting for you in the next article about fruits that start with C. So, let’s keep exploring the colourful and flavorful world of fruits together! Stay curious and check out our article on “Fruits Name That Starts With C” to continue your fruity adventure!


    What fruit starts with a B?

    Banana, Blueberry, Blackberry, Boysenberry, and Bilberry are fruits that start with B.

    What is a fruit that starts with B and ends with N?

    The fruit that starts with B and ends with N is “Banana.”

    What food starts with the letter B?

    Various foods start with B, including Banana, Broccoli, Blueberries, Bread, and Brussels Sprouts.

    What vegetable starts with B?

    Broccoli, Bell Pepper, Beet, and Butternut Squash are vegetables that start with B.

    What vegetable or fruit starts with B?

    Both Broccoli and Banana start with the letter B.

    What is a green fruit with B?

    A green fruit starting with B is “Bilberry.”

    What is the best food for B?

    The best food for B depends on preferences, but options include Blueberries, Bananas, Broccoli, and Bell Peppers.

    What is a yellow fruit beginning with B?

    A yellow fruit starting with B is “Banana.”

    What starts with B?

    Various items start with B, such as fruits (Banana, Blueberry), vegetables (Broccoli, Bell Pepper), and foods (Bread, Blueberries).

    What is a blue fruit that starts with B?

    Blueberries are an example of a blue fruit that starts with B.

    What fruit has 8 letters?

    “Blueberry” is a fruit with 8 letters.

    What fruits have 7 letters?

    Examples of fruits with 7 letters include “Banana,” “Apricot,” and “Papaya.”

    Does fruit have B1?

    Yes, some fruits contain Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). Examples include Bananas and Blueberries.

    Which fruit has no seeds?

    Seedless fruits include Bananas, Seedless Grapes, and Seedless Watermelon.

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