
Bengali Fruits Names: A Flavorful Journey Translated into English

In the lush landscapes of Bengali Fruits Names, where fertile soil meets a tropical climate, a bountiful harvest of fruits graces the backyards of countless homes. Fruits are cherished for their flavours, deeply ingrained in the region’s cultural fabric, and hold a special place in Bengali households. These home-grown treasures ...

Yash Pandya

Table of Contents

    In the lush landscapes of Bengali Fruits Names, where fertile soil meets a tropical climate, a bountiful harvest of fruits graces the backyards of countless homes. Fruits are cherished for their flavours, deeply ingrained in the region’s cultural fabric, and hold a special place in Bengali households. These home-grown treasures are a source of sustenance and a symbol of tradition, heritage, and the timeless connection between people and the land they call home.

    As we embark on this flavourful journey through Bengali gardens, we will delve into the orchards that bring life to the region’s culinary heritage. Join us in discovering the vibrant fruits that flourish in Bengal’s rich soil as we explore the stories, flavours, and traditions that make these fruits an integral part of Bengali culture.

    40+ Fruit Names in English and Bengali 

    Serial NumberFruits PictureEnglish Fruits NameBengali Fruits Name
    25Dragon fruitDragon fruitড্রাগন ফল
    28Passion FruitPassion fruitপ্যাশন ফল

    Beloved Fruits in Bengal

    With its rich agricultural heritage and diverse climate, Bengal offers many delicious and nutritious fruits. Bengali cuisine, known for its exquisite flavours, often incorporates these fruits into various dishes and desserts. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the fruits that hold a special place in the hearts and palates of Bengali people.

    1. Mango (আম):


    Mango, often called the “King of Fruits,” is adored by Bengalis. The sweet, succulent flesh of the mango is used in various forms, from refreshing mango lassis to the famous “aam doi” (mango yoghurt). The Bengali obsession with mangoes is most evident during summer when different mango varieties flood the markets.

    2. Lychee (লিচু):


    With its translucent flesh and sweet, aromatic flavour, Lychee is a seasonal delight in Bengal. It’s commonly consumed fresh or used to make lychee sharbat (a refreshing drink) and lychee-flavored sweets. Many Bengalis eagerly anticipate the annual lychee harvest.

    3. Jackfruit (কাঁঠাল):


    Known as “kathal” in Bengali, jackfruit is versatile and can be used in savoury and sweet dishes. Bengalis love making tender jackfruit curry, known as “kathal er torkari,” and enjoy ripe jackfruit as a sweet treat.

    4. Guava (পেয়ারা):


    Guava is a beloved fruit in Bengal due to its unique taste and high nutritional value. It’s often eaten as a snack, and guava chutney is a popular condiment in Bengali cuisine.

    5. Papaya (পেঁপে):


    Papaya is a common sight in Bengali households. It’s enjoyed in salads, as a breakfast fruit, or as a part of fruit chaat (a mixture of various fruits with spices and seasonings).

    6. Banana (কলা):


    Bananas, particularly the small and sweet “elakki” variety. They are a quick and healthy snack often used in desserts like “kolar bora” (banana fritters).

    7. Watermelon (তরমুজ):


    Nothing is more refreshing during the scorching summer months than a chilled watermelon. It’s a popular choice to beat the heat and stay hydrated.

    8. Pomegranate (ডালিম):


    Pomegranates are appreciated for their sweet-tart flavour and their health benefits. They are often consumed as fresh fruit or as pomegranate juice.

    Common Fruits Cultivated in Bengali Gardens

    Bengalis commonly grow various fruits at home, taking advantage of the region’s favourable climate for fruit cultivation. Here are some common fruits that Bengali people often succeed in their homes:

    • Mango (আম): Mango trees are common in Bengali households. Various mango varieties are grown, and Bengali homes often have their favourite type of mango tree in the backyard.
    • Guava (পেয়ারা): Guava trees are easy to cultivate and produce fruit abundantly. The sweet and slightly tangy guavas are enjoyed fresh or used to make guava jelly and chutney.
    • Papaya (পেঁপে): Papaya plants are also prevalent in Bengali gardens. The fruit is consumed for its health benefits and is used in salads, juices, and breakfast.
    • Banana (কলা): Banana plants, particularly the smaller and sweeter varieties like “elakki,” are grown in Bengali homes. Bananas are a staple snack and are also used in various traditional dishes.
    • Lychee (লিচু): In regions where the climate is suitable, lychee trees are cultivated for their sweet and juicy fruits. Lychee is often enjoyed fresh during the season.
    • Coconut (নারিকেল): Coconut palms are a common sight in coastal areas of Bengal. The fruit is used for its water, coconut milk, and grated coconut in cooking.
    • Jackfruit (কাঁঠাল): Jackfruit trees are grown for their versatile fruit. While the ripe fruit is sweet, the young jackfruit is used in savoury dishes.
    • Pomegranate (ডালিম): Pomegranate bushes produce vibrant red fruits rich in antioxidants. The seeds are commonly eaten fresh or used as a garnish for various dishes.
    • Starfruit (কমরঙ্গ): Starfruit trees are cultivated for their unique star-shaped fruit, which has a sweet and slightly tart taste. It is often used in salads and juices.
    • Lemon (নিম্বু): Lemon trees are grown for their sour fruit, which is used extensively in Bengali cooking for its tangy flavour.
    • Amla (আমলক): Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a small tree that produces sour and nutritious fruits. Amla is used in various culinary preparations and as a natural remedy.
    • Sapota (সপ্টা): Sapota, also known as chikoo or sapodilla, is grown for its sweet and grainy-textured fruit, which is consumed fresh.
    Custard Apple
    • Custard Apple (শরিফা): Custard apple trees bear sweet and creamy fruit with a unique flavour. They are often eaten fresh or used to make desserts.

    Exploring Bengal’s Passion for Fruits

    1. Mango Mania: Bengal’s Love for the King of Fruits

    • Varieties of Mangoes
    • Mango-Based Bengali Desserts
    • Mango Festivals in Bengal

    2. Guava: The Tropical Gem in Bengali Backyards

    • Guava Varieties in Bengal
    • Guava Chutney and Other Recipes
    • Health Benefits of Guava

    3. Papaya Paradise: A Versatile Fruit in Bengali Homes

    • Papaya in Bengali Cuisine
    • Papaya Benefits for Health
    • Growing Papaya at Home

    4. Bananas: The Everyday Delight

    • Popular Banana Varieties in Bengal
    • Traditional Banana-Based Dishes
    • Nutritional Value of Bananas

    5. Lychee Love: Summertime Favorite in Bengal

    • Lychee Varieties Grown in Bengal
    • Lychee Drinks and Desserts
    • Lychee-Picking Traditions

    6. The Versatile Coconut: More Than Just a Fruit

    • Uses of Coconut in Bengal
    • Coconut-Based Bengali Sweets
    • Cultural Significance of Coconut

    7. Jackfruit Joy: A Staple in Bengali Kitchens

    • Cooking with Jackfruit
    • Young vs. Ripe Jackfruit
    • Jackfruit Festivals in Bengal

    8. Pomegranate Pleasures: A Burst of Health and Flavor

    • Pomegranate in Bengali Superstitions
    • Pomegranate as a Symbol of Fertility
    • Pomegranate Dishes in Bengali Cuisine

    9. Starfruit Stories: Bengal’s Tropical Star

    • Starfruit’s Unique Shape and Flavor
    • Starfruit in Bengali Salads and Juices
    • Folklore and Symbolism of Starfruit

    10. Lemon’s Tangy Touch: A Zesty Ingredient in Bengali Cooking

    • Lemon in Traditional Bengali Dishes
    • Lemon’s Role in Bengali Pickles
    • Lemon Water: A Refreshing Beverage


    In Bengal’s lush and diverse landscapes, growing and nurturing fruit-bearing trees at home isn’t just a pastime; it reflects the region’s rich agricultural heritage and a testament to the love for nature’s bounty. The fruits that grace Bengali gardens hold a special place in the hearts of its people, not just for their flavours but for their cultural significance.

    From the sweet allure of mangoes that signal the arrival of summer to the versatility of jackfruit that finds its way into both savoury and sweet dishes, each of these fruits we explored in this blog post tells a story. It means a culture deeply connected to its roots, where fruits aren’t just a source of nourishment but a source of joy, tradition, and community.


    What are some of the most popular fruits in Bengal?

    Mangoes, guavas, bananas, and lychees are among the most popular fruits in Bengal.

    Are there any unique varieties of mangoes grown in Bengal?

    Bengal is known for its unique mango varieties, including Himsagar, Langra, and Alphonso.

    What is the significance of mangoes in Bengali culture?

    Mangoes are considered the “King of Fruits” in Bengal and hold cultural significance, especially during summer.

    How are mangoes used in Bengali cuisine?

    Mangoes are used in various dishes, including aam doi (mango yoghurt), chutneys, and pickles.

    What is “lychee sharbat,” and why is it popular in Bengal?

    Lychee sharbat is a refreshing drink from lychees, sugar, and water. It’s popular in Bengal during the lychee season for its sweet and rejuvenating taste.

    Do Bengalis have any unique dishes or desserts made from jackfruit?

    Yes, Bengalis enjoy dishes like “kathal er torkari” (young jackfruit curry) and “kathal er bhorta” (mashed jackfruit), as well as sweets made from ripe jackfruit.

    What health benefits are associated with guavas?

    Guavas are rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre, and antioxidants, making them beneficial for the immune system and digestion.

    Can you tell me more about the cultural significance of coconut in Bengal?

    Coconuts are sacred in Bengali rituals and are often used in religious ceremonies and as offerings.

    What are some traditional Bengali sweets made from fruits?

    Sweets like “aam sandesh” (mango sweet), “chomchom” (based on chayote squash), and “sitabhog” (based on sugarcane) incorporate fruits in their recipes.

    Are pomegranates used in Bengali cooking?

    Pomegranates are used to make “another chutney” (pomegranate chutney) and are sometimes added to salads and yoghurt-based dishes.

    What are some popular beverages made from fruits in Bengal?

    Besides lychee sharbat, Bengalis enjoy “aam panna” (mango drink) and “tok doi” (sour yoghurt) during the summer season.

    Are there any unique traditions or festivals related to fruits in Bengal?

    There are mango festivals, such as the “Mango Mela,” where various mango varieties are showcased and enjoyed.

    Can you tell me about any superstitions or cultural beliefs related to fruits in Bengal?

    Some Bengalis believe that cutting a coconut in a specific way brings good luck and blessings.

    What is the best time to visit Bengal to savour these fruits?

    The best time to enjoy Bengal’s fruits is during their respective seasons. Mangoes are best from April to June, lychees are in season from May to June, and guavas are available throughout the year.

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