Fruit Names:

Popular 55+ Fruits Name in English With Picture

Welcome to our delightful blog post, where we’ll explore the fascinating world of fruits! Today, we’ll be your friendly guides on a journey to discover more than 55 English fruit names, and guess what? We’ve even brought pictures to make it easy for you to identify them! Imagine recognising these ...


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    Welcome to our delightful blog post, where we’ll explore the fascinating world of fruits! Today, we’ll be your friendly guides on a journey to discover more than 55 English fruit names, and guess what? We’ve even brought pictures to make it easy for you to identify them!

    Imagine recognising these fruits when you see them in the market or at your home. Learning English fruit names can be so much fun, and it’s a handy skill. So, whether you’re a fruit enthusiast or just curious, this blog post is for you.

    From the juicy and sweet “Mango” to the tangy “Lemon,” we share a colourful array of fruits. Understanding English fruit names is not only useful but also exciting. So, let’s dive right in and explore the delicious world of fruits through pictures and words. By the end of this journey, you’ll be a pro at identifying these fruits by their English names!

    55+ Fruit Names In English and Hindi

    Sr No.Fruit PicturesEnglish Fruit NamesHindi Fruit Names
    21Dragon fruitड्रैगन फ्रूट
    22Passion fruitपैशन फ्रूट
    24Plumआलू बुखारा
    27Kiwifruitकिवी फल
    28Custard appleशरीफा
    37Brazil nutब्राज़िल नट
    38Macadamia nutमैकडेमिया नट
    41Pruneसूखी आलूबुखारा
    48Star fruitकमरख

    Fruits Detailed Information

    1. Apple, an English fruit name, has a rich history dating back to ancient times. Its origin lies in Central Asia, and there are many types, like Red Delicious and Granny Smith. They grow in various places worldwide. Farmers plant apple seeds or young trees to cultivate apples and provide them with water, sunlight, and care.
    1. Banana, an English fruit name, is a tropical fruit with a curved shape. It has a long history and comes from Southeast Asia. There are various types, like Cavendish and Lady Finger. Bananas grow in warm places and are cultivated from banana plants.
    1. Orange, an English fruit name, is a citrus fruit known for its sweet and tangy taste. It originated in Southeast Asia. Varieties include Navel and Valencia. Oranges grow in sunny, subtropical regions and are grown from orange trees.
    1. Mango, an English fruit name, is a tropical delight with a history in South Asia. It comes in types like Alphonso and Tommy Atkins. Mango trees thrive in warm climates, and farmers plant mango seeds or saplings to grow them.
    1. Guava, an English fruit name, is a tropical fruit from Central America. It has different types like Pink and White Guava. Guava trees flourish in tropical regions, and growers plant guava seeds or young trees.
    1. Pineapple, an English fruit name, is a tropical fruit with a spiky skin. It hails from South America. Varieties include Cayenne and Queen Victoria. Pineapples are cultivated in sunny, tropical areas, and pineapple plants are grown from shoots or crowns.
    1. Grapes, an English fruit name, are small round, and can be eaten fresh or used for making wine. They have a long history and grow in various regions. Grapes are cultivated in vineyards, where grapevines are planted.
    1. Papaya, an English fruit name, is a tropical fruit native to Central America. It comes in types like Solo and Hawaiian. Papaya trees thrive in tropical climates; farmers plant papaya seeds or young trees.
    1. Watermelon, an English fruit name, is a juicy and refreshing fruit. It originated in Africa and is grown in many countries. Watermelons are cultivated in warm, sunny areas, and growers plant watermelon seeds.
    1. Pomegranate, an English fruit name, is a unique fruit with many seeds. Its history dates back to the Middle East. Varieties include Wonderful and Ruby Red. Pomegranate trees grow in Mediterranean climates, and farmers plant pomegranate saplings or seeds.
    1. Kiwi, an English fruit name, is a small, fuzzy fruit from China. Types include Hayward and Golden Kiwi. Kiwi vines thrive in temperate regions, and growers plant kiwi vines or young plants.
    1. Strawberry, an English fruit name, is a sweet and red fruit that grows in many places worldwide. Varieties include June-bearing and Everbearing. Strawberries are cultivated in fields where strawberry plants are planted.
    1. Lemon, an English fruit name, is a sour citrus fruit. It comes from Asia and has different types like Eureka and Meyer. Lemon trees grow in warm, sunny areas, and farmers plant lemon seeds or saplings.
    1. Lime, an English fruit name, is a small, green citrus fruit. It is native to Southeast Asia and comes in Persian and Key Lime varieties. Lime trees flourish in warm regions, and growers plant lime seeds or young trees.
    1. Avocado, an English fruit name, is a creamy fruit from Central America. Types include Hass and Fuerte. Avocado trees grow in subtropical climates, and farmers plant avocado seeds or young trees.
    1. Lychee, an English fruit name, is a sweet and fragrant fruit from China. It has different types, like Brewster and Emperor. Lychee trees thrive in tropical regions, and growers plant lychee seeds or young trees.
    1. Cranberry, an English fruit name, is a small, tart fruit. It is native to North America. Cranberries are grown in wet, acidic soils, and cranberry bushes are planted.
    1. Blueberry, an English fruit name, is a small, sweet fruit. It is native to North America. Blueberries are cultivated in acidic soils, and blueberry bushes are planted.
    1. Raspberry, an English fruit name, is a small, red or black fruit with a sweet-tart flavour. It grows on raspberry bushes and is native to Europe and Asia. There are different types of raspberries, like Red and Black. Raspberry bushes are planted in gardens, and they thrive in temperate climates.
    1. Blackberry, an English fruit name, is a dark purple to black fruit known for its juicy and sweet taste. It grows on blackberry bushes and is found in various parts of the world. There are several varieties of blackberries, including thornless varieties. Blackberry bushes are cultivated in gardens and fields and typically grow in temperate regions.

     Importance of Fruits

    Fruits, including various English fruit names like apple, banana, and orange, are super important for our health! They’re like nature’s yummy gifts packed with vitamins and minerals. Here’s why they matter:

    • Nutrition Boost: Fruits provide us with vitamins like Vitamin C (found in oranges) and minerals (like potassium in bananas) that help us grow strong and stay healthy.
    • Fiber Friends: They are high in fibre, which keeps our tummy happy, aids digestion, and helps prevent constipation.
    • Energy Source: Fruits, like apples and grapes, give us natural sugars for quick energy without the sugar crashing
    • Hydration Heroes: Fruits like watermelon have lots of water, helping us stay hydrated on hot days.
    • Disease Defense: Eating fruits can lower the risk of heart disease.

    So, make fruits your pals, and they’ll keep you strong and smiling! 🍎🍌🍊

    History of Fruits

    The history of fruits is a fascinating journey through time. Fruits have been a part of human life for thousands of years. Early humans gathered fruits from trees, bushes, and plants to eat. They realised that fruits were tasty, gave them energy, and made them feel good.

    As societies grew, people began to cultivate and grow their fruits. Ancient civilisations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans appreciated fruits and used them in ceremonies and art.

    Explorers and traders carried fruits like oranges and lemons to new parts of the world. Over time, scientists studied fruits, and we learned about their nutritional benefits.

    Today, fruits are a delicious and essential part of our diet, and they continue to play a vital role in our history and health.

    Fruits that can be Grown at Home

    Growing fruits at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. You don’t need a big garden; some fruits can be cultivated in small spaces like balconies or pots. Here are some fruits you can grow at home:

    • Strawberries: These sweet berries are perfect for pots or hanging baskets. They love sunlight and don’t need much space.
    • Tomatoes: Yes, they’re technically fruits! You can grow them in containers or hanging planters. They need lots of sun.
    • Lemon or Lime Trees: These small citrus trees are great for indoor growing. They need sunlight and regular watering.
    • Blueberries: Perfect for pots or small gardens, blueberries need acidic soil and like sunny spots.
    • Raspberries or Blackberries: You can grow these on trellises or in containers. They need sunlight and regular pruning.
    • Fig Trees: Figs can thrive in pots and enjoy sunny spots.
    • Dwarf Apple or Peach Trees: These smaller fruit trees are suitable for small spaces and can be grown in containers.

    Remember to provide the right soil, sunlight, and care, and you can enjoy the delicious rewards of homegrown fruits!

    Medicinal Uses of Fruits

    Fruits taste great and have medicinal benefits. Here are a few:

    • Oranges: They have Vitamin C to boost our immune system and help prevent colds.
    • Bananas: They provide energy and potassium, which is good for our muscles and heart.
    • Apples: They have fibre to aid digestion and keep our tummy healthy.
    • Grapes: They contain antioxidants that protect our cells from damage.
    • Lemons: Their juice helps digestion and can be soothing when we have a sore throat.
    • Pomegranates: They are full of vitamins and can help lower the risk of heart disease.

    So, fruits not only taste yummy but also keep us healthy! 🍊🍌🍎🍇🍋🍑


    In conclusion, exploring English fruit names with pictures has been a delightful journey through the colourful and delicious world of fruits. We’ve discovered over 55 different fruits, each with its unique taste, shape, and colour.

    Knowing English fruit names is not only exciting but also useful. It helps us identify and enjoy fruits when we see them in stores or at home. Plus, fruits are not just tasty; they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and health benefits that keep us strong and energetic.

    Remember, whether it’s the juicy sweetness of a mango, the tangy zing of a lemon, or the refreshing crispness of an apple, each fruit tells a unique story of nature’s wonders.

    So, the next time you enjoy fruit, you can proudly say its English name and savour the delicious taste while appreciating the beauty of English fruit names. Happy fruit exploring!


    What are 20 fruits called?

    Here are 20 fruit names: apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, kiwifruit, mango, peach, pear, cherry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, lemon, lime, plum, apricot, and pomegranate.

    What are the 12 fruit names?

    Twelve fruit names include apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, kiwifruit, mango, peach, pear, and cherry.

    What are the 10 fruits in English?

    Ten fruits in English are apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, kiwifruit, mango, and peach.

    What are 40 fruits?

    There are numerous fruits, far more than 40, but some examples include apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, watermelons, pineapples, kiwifruit, mangoes, peaches, pears, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, lemons, limes, plums, apricots, pomegranates, figs, guavas, and more.

    Is it 12 fruits or 13 fruits?

    It is typically recommended to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. The “5-a-day” or “5 portions a day” recommendation suggests consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables combined each day, but you can certainly eat more.

    What are the 6 major fruits?

    The six major fruits commonly referred to are apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and watermelons.

    Is it 7 fruit and veg a day?

    While the general recommendation is often referred to as “5-a-day,” some health authorities and experts may recommend aiming for seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day for optimal health.

    Is it 10 a day fruit and veg?

    Some health organizations may suggest consuming up to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day for maximum health benefits. However, the exact number can vary based on individual dietary needs and goals.

    Can I eat 10 fruits a day?

    Consuming 10 servings of fruits a day can be a healthy choice if it aligns with your nutritional needs and doesn’t lead to excessive calorie intake. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet.

    Why 5 fruits a day?

    The “5-a-day” recommendation is a simplified guideline aimed at encouraging people to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in essential nutrients and beneficial for overall health.

    Can I eat 10 pieces of fruit a day?

    Eating 10 pieces of fruit a day can be part of a healthy diet as long as it doesn’t lead to excessive calorie intake and is balanced with other food groups.

    What are the 15 names of dry fruits?

    Fifteen names of dry fruits include almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, raisins, dates, figs, apricots, prunes, cranberries, currants, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and pecans.

    What are 30 types of fruits and vegetables?

    There are numerous types of fruits and vegetables, but here are 30 examples: broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, corn, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, celery, cabbage, okra, radishes, beets, turnips, artichokes, butternut squash, pumpkin, mushrooms, leeks, tomatoes, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

    What fruit has 200 varieties?

    Apples are known to have a vast number of varieties, with over 7,500 recognized worldwide. Some other fruits with numerous varieties include grapes, bananas, and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.

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